Smart search works by using multiple word combinations in any order.
It is important to get the spellings right.
Try rephrasing if your search has 'no data found' as response, we are still improving !
Watchlist Search Tip
Search examples: By portfolio name: SC Core Equities, SC Fund Select By geography: SC HK By asset class: SC HK Fund, SC HK Bonds More options: SC HK Fund Select USD, SC HK Fund Global
Other Keywords to make the search more dynamic: <sector> there are 11 sectors such as Energy <industry> there are 68 industries & 156 sub industries such as banks <analytics> top & bottom performance <time frame> change, wtd, mtd, qtd, ytd, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 year, 5 year
Ticker Search Tip
For Stocks: Amazon stock, Singtel stock
For Bonds: Use ISIN or name. Typing “vodafone bond” will provide all bonds with the word vodafone in it.
For Mutual funds: Use ISIN or name. Typing “srdr mf” will provide all mutual funds with the name srdr mf in it.